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Build murals with frameworks

Add preformatted grids and diagrams to your mural to set up a collaborative space.

Locate frameworks in your mural
Define the value of frameworks

What are frameworks?

MURAL contains a collection of pre-formatted grids and diagrams. These are known as frameworks. Collaborators can add them anywhere in a mural. As soon as you add any object to a framework, the content in the framework will stick to the framework, similar to areas in a mural.

Find a framework for your method or process

To save time building murals, these pre-formatted frameworks host a variety of methods you can use with your collaborators. You can search and add these methods related to your team’s process or discipline.

Add frameworks to mural

To save you time building and designing collaborative spaces, the MURAL team has collected frameworks that contain methods like grids, calendars, methods for design and agile, and more. Frameworks are smart and will move the objects you add to the framework, treating them as a single unit.

  1. On the left toolbar, click the frameworks icon
  1. Browse through the menu to find icons related to different topics, like grids, design, agile and more
  2. To add the framework to the canvas, drag and drop the framework to the spot on the canvas where it belongs

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Hey, it's Daniela. Let's talk about frameworks. Frameworks are one of the many types of content that you can get onto your murals. And as such, you will find them on your dashboard here to your left, you will click on the menu and you will see that they are organized by category. 

To use them, simply drag and drop them on to your murals. You can also use the search bar here. And it will pull all the different frameworks that match your search criteria. frameworks are pre formatted areas that serve a specific purpose. In this case, we have an idea prioritization framework. 

And as I said, once you pull them in, everybody will be able to start collaborating very easily. And once they do that, you can move this and it will become one l element and move all together. In this way. frameworks will save you a lot of time when preparing for your meetings. So use your frameworks wisely, and use your meeting time to bring your best ideas forward.