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Create a new mural

The first step of collaborating with your teammates is to create space to house your ideas.

Create a blank mural
Create a mural from templates
Describe your MURAL dashboard

What is a mural?

The mural is the file where collaboration happens. Murals contain individual canvases where you add, create, and edit content. These can be created from scratch or with pre-created methods in the MURAL Template Library. You can create a new mural in any room where you’re working.

Create a blank mural

From your MURAL dashboard, go to the room where you want to create your new mural.

  1. Select “Create new mural” in the room. A new window opens with options to create a new mural.
  2. Select the “blank mural” option

Create murals from templates

From your MURAL dashboard, go to the room where you want to create your new mural.

  1. Select “Create new mural” in the room. A new window opens with options to create a new mural.
  2. Search for templates by keyword or by category. You can read the titles and descriptions for templates as you browse. To preview the mural before you create a new mural, the eye icon on the top right of the template thumbnail
  3. Select the template you want to use. Then, click create mural to create the mural from that template.

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Hey team. Agustin from MURAL here, and today I want to teach you how to create your own murals. It's super simple. Once you log in, you'll be pulled right to your dashboard, which is where I am right now. 

Once you're inside, simply click on the room in which you want to create the mural and select the Create a new mural button. And you'll be able to pick a blank canvas or one of our many many templates. Once you've decided select Create mural. And now you will have a brand new canvas which you can modify as you see fit. And you can repeat this process as many times as you want, because there's not a limit to how many murals you can create.