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Guide collaborators around the mural

Keep participants focused in the mural when you’re working together in real time.

Meetings & Workshops
Differentiate follow and summon
Introduce collaborators to follow and summon

Creating alignment and focus in murals

MURAL allows each participant to choose what they see in the mural when collaborating in a live meeting or workshop. This gives collaborators autonomy, but sometimes you want to bring everyone to view the same content on the mural. This is especially critical when facilitating since you might need to explain an activity or share examples. To help teams stay in sync visually, MURAL provides two features: Follow and summon.

Following collaborators

The follow feature invites participants in the mural to share your view. Anyone in the mural can ask collaborators to follow them in the mural. However, collaborators do not have to accept the invitation to follow. To invite collaborators to follow you:

  1. Go to the avatar at the bottom of the mural. The avatar represents everyone collaborating with you on a specific mural.
  2. Hover over your avatar for a menu of options for your view of collaborators.
  3. Click Ask to be followed. This sends a notification in the mural to your collaborators to follow you.
  4. If a collaborator follows you, you will get a notification in the mural.

Follow other participants

You can also follow other collaborators in the mural. Follow anyone on the mural by clicking on their avatar and “Follow.” You will be able to see what the person is looking at in the mural. This provides clarity as you’re working in a space with others. To unfollow a collaborator, you can zoom out or move away from their view. You are not locked into their view in the mural.

Summon participants

As the facilitator in a mural, you can keep the team focused by summoning participants. Bring their attention towards one part of the mural. Before you summon collaborators, let them know so they aren’t alarmed by the sudden change of view in the mural.

Here’s how:

  1. Click on your avatar, at the bottom of your mural
  2. Click Summon everyone. Collaborators will automatically be brought to your view in the mural.
  3. You will see a notification in the mural for which collaborators are summoned to your view. However, collaborators can still zoom out or move away once summoned in the mural.

Need to ensure collaborators remain in this space in the mural? Manage their view with the take control capability. This means that collaborators will not be able to navigate away from your view until you release them.

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Hello there, I'm Hailey Temple, and let me share with you how to use the follow feature. What I can do to ask people to follow me, is go to my avatar at the bottom of the Mural right here, and a menu will appear. Now I'm going to click Ask to be Followed, and what that does is send kind of a beacon to everybody in this Mural with me, to come share the same view. So if the visiting hippopotamus, for example, wanted me to follow it, I would see this beacon, and what I can do is click Follow, and now I'll see the hippopotamus and what they're looking at in this Mural.

Now, what if I want to see what somebody is up to in the Mural, like the visiting bird? I can click the visiting bird's avatar at the bottom, and now I see that it's looking at this view in the Mural. When you need to share your view or see what somebody else is seeing in a Mural, use that follow feature and get everybody aligned.

Summon is a facilitation superpower, meaning that only people who have the ability to facilitate on your Mural, can actually use it. And use it wisely, because here's how it works. When you want to summon people, go down to your avatar at the bottom of the Mural, and hover over your avatar, a menu is going to appear. You're going to click Summon Everyone, but not yet. Before you do, announce to everybody, "I'm going to summon you in this Mural, so you can see what I'm seeing." I do this because it's kind of a courtesy thing. It can be a little bit alarming for people to suddenly shift from one space in the Mural to another.

Now I'm going to show you the view of a participant, so you see what happens. So I'll go to my avatar, click Summon Everyone, say, "I'm going to summon you now," and snap. Everybody is looking at the same thing. So the participant knows now they are following me, and I know how many people are following me. It's great because now everybody is on the same page, and is looking at the same thing in the mural.