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Make in app calls with quick talk

Elevate your visual collaboration sessions with Quick Talk, powered by

Create in-app calls in MURAL
Remove in-app call capabilities for your workspace

Opportunities for spontaneous conversations

Visuals help create context and alignment, but sometimes the best way to build understanding is by talking through concepts. Rather than create a new videoconference session, you can start a conversation directly in a mural so everyone can stay focused where the work happens.

Start a quick talk call

  1. Click the phone icon next to the avatars in the mural.
  2. Click Start to begin the call.
  3. If a call is already in session, click join at the top of the mural. The collaborators in your mural will get a notification to join the call.
  4. To mute and unmute yourself throughout your call, click the microphone on the floating menu bar at the top of the screen.
  5. When you’re finished the conversation, click hang-up next to the microphone to end the call.

Turn off Quick Talk in your workspace

If you have an enterprise plan, then your workspace administrator can disable Quick Talk in the workspace settings.

  1. From your workspace dashboard, go to manage workspace on the top-left dropdown menu
  2. Under User permissions uncheck the setting titled Allow users to make calls using Quick-Talk. Your workspace members will no longer be able to use Quick Talk in the app.

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Hi there, Lindsay here, and we're going to talk about quick talk. You can now elevate your collaboration sessions with quick talk, a new voice calling capability within MURAL. Instantly jump on a call when you're in a mural to connect with their collaborators.

No need to find a and share a link, just click on the phone icon here, and you'll be able to start a call with other collaborators. Notice you click on start, click quick talk. And then you hit start. Now you're going to wait for participants and when they're able to join, you'll just be able to hear their audio. To mute and unmute. You click right there right on the microphone. 

Then to end and leave the call. You just click on the HANG UP button. Perfect. So it's best for those unplanned conversations that require you to briefly connect with your team and only enhance your mural working sessions.

 Quick talk gives you a fast, easy way to sync on progress, align on next steps, work through roadblocks and even review updates with your team. It brings us back to those that elusive feeling of gathering in a room with your team that would so often lead to big breakthroughs and a shared sense of purpose. 

The outstanding quality that comes from working with doesn't hurt either. Also note that using not just gives us wonderful sound quality, but also all calls are secure and not recorded. All right. Well, thank you and that's all about MURAL’s feature called Quick talk.