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Navigating around the mural

Learn to navigate the mural and understand the scales you can work on.

Navigate the mural
Set your own scales to work on
Change navigation and scroll settings

Choose your own view

MURAL gives you the freedom to move, zoom in to see details, and zoom out to see all of the content on a mural. Think of it more like Google Maps than working in a document or presentation. When you’re working on your laptop or desktop, you can adjust your zoom settings for your device.

To change your zoom and pan settings: 

  1. Scroll to the lower right corner of your mural
  2. Find the navigation bar underneath the mini-map
  3. Click Zoom settings to change your navigation settings

Work at different scales

It might be tempting to make objects big on the mural. That might make it challenging for other collaborators to add their own ideas and you’ll quickly run out of space. Instead, practice working at different scales in the mural with the mini map. 

The mini map offers a fully zoomed out or bird’s-eye view of your mural. On the map, you will see where you are on the mural. You can also see other collaborators and what they’re seeing in the mural at any time. 

Move around, but keep content in place

You can move around the mural without worrying about moving your collaborators’ contents with Move mode. Click the hand icon next to the mini-map to start move mode. You can also hold the M key on your keyboard to start Move mode.

Shortcuts for navigating a mural

Move around the MURAL with ease on your device with these keyboard shortcuts. You can access the shortcuts key any time under the question mark (?) icon in the mural.

Move around the mural: ARROW KEYS

Move around the mural faster: SHIFT + ARROW KEYS

Pan without moving elements: Hold SPACEBAR + Drag

Zoom in: Z + Marquee

Select part of mural: Z + Click

Zoom out: ALT + Z + marquee select part of mural

Fit to content: SHIFT + CTRL + 0

Actual size: CTRL + ALT + O

Pop-up an element: X + Hover element

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While MURAL is the name of the application, a mural is also the canvas where you will collaborate

with your team. The first thing you should do is make sure that you feel comfortable moving around the canvas and zooming in and out to collaborate with agility. Let's go into our zoom settings. Here you have the option to switch between trackpad mode or mouse mode. In trackpad mode, you can zoom in and out by pinching similar to how you zoom on your smartphone. In mouse mode, you can zoom in and out by scrolling up and down. You can also zoom in by using the zoom bar above the mini map. 

There's also a few helpful shortcuts you could take advantage of to zoom in and out quickly. If you hold down X and hover over an element on the canvas, it will pop up so you can read it easily without ever having to zoom in. Or, you can click on an element and select the magnifying glass icon to zoom directly in. 

Next, let's take a look at the mini map in the bottom right corner. Here you'll find an outline of some of the key elements on the canvas. You can jump around the canvas by clicking anywhere on the mini map. This box represents where you are on the canvas, and the location of your collaborators is represented by the color of their avatar. Let's say you want to move around the canvas without accidentally moving any elements you can enter into move mode by clicking on the hand icon to the left of the mini map move mode. What's you click and drag across the canvas without wearing about accidentally editing anything you can exit move mode by clicking on the hand icon once again. 

Now that you've mastered moving around the canvas, let's talk about a few of the other key buttons on the interface to the left. You'll find content to add to the mural on the top toolbar. You'll find your mural's name on the far left. You can click on the arrow next to the title to go into the mural settings and quickly access a few other features. Next you'll see the undo and redo buttons. To the right is the voting icon, which you can use to start voting sessions. 

If you are the mural owner or a facilitator, you'll see the timer icon that you can use to time box certain activities with your collaborators. Further to the right, you will find the number of collaborators who have access to your mural and can see who is currently online. Next, there's a big pink share button. This is where you can share your mural with your collaborators. 

You can also export your murals as an image or PDF. Finally, you'll find the chat the activity log, where you can catch up on what's been changed since you were last online. The outline in case you set up different areas and want to present your mural and finally, the help button. 

Now that you understand how to navigate the mural in the basics of the interface, start creating Thank you for watching. If you have any questions, click on the question mark in the upper right corner of the MURAL application to view our help center or chat with our support.