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Present and organize with outlines

Outlines are great for knowing exactly where objects are on the mural. Here’s how you can use this to efficiently convey the flow.

Use outlines for navigation
Hide and unhide outlines
Link outlines to a specific step

What is the outline?

When you’re planning a meeting or workshop, you may break your work into smaller sections. This is especially useful if you’re presenting content to your collaborators and want them to follow the conversation. If you think about your mural as a place to create a visual story, then the outline breaks the content into different chapters.

The outline is also great for navigating your collaborators around the mural. Every collaborator can click through the outline in a mural to move through these different chapters.

Create an outline

Facilitators on MURAL can create an outline for easy navigation. Here’s how to create an outline:

  1. Multi-select an element or group of elements
  2. Right-click and select add to outline
  3. This will automatically be added to the outline area
  4. Click the outline icon at the top right corner to view this new section.

When you build an outline, your participants will automatically see it in the mural. They can hide or bring the outline back into view at any time.

  1. You can hide outlines by clicking the exit key on the top right corner of the canvas. With this, you will be able to move around your workspace on your own without problems.
  2. Click on the outline icon on the top right corner to reveal it again.

Presenting with the outline

Guide your participants around the mural to share your work or tell a story. Presentation mode allows you to walk through content like a slideshow.

To start presentation mode:

  1. Select any element or multi-select if you want to choose more than one element to add to an outline. 
  2. Right-click and select add to outline. You can view the list of items by clicking on the outline icon next to the activity feed.
  3. To present your content, click the presentation icon at the top of the outline bar.
  4. In the presentation view, your mural would let you navigate the screen like a slideshow. Click the < and > buttons at the bottom of the mural to navigate through the presentation.
  5. To end the presentation, click the presentation icon once again. The mural will return to collaboration mode.

Hide and reveal elements with outline

Create focus during meetings and works by hiding and revealing content on the mural at the right moment. Hiding and revealing content helps simplify the experience for your participants when collaborating. Once you add content to the outline, here’s how you hide and reveal the content:

  1. When you click on the eye icon, it automatically hides your elements. No one on the canvas will be able to see them.
  2. Clicking on the eye icon again reveals your elements. You can do this at any time.

Link to a specific step in outline

Every area you add to a mural is included in the outline. Click on the bulleted list to access your mural. You can also get a participant to go to a specific section by linking them to the step. Here’s how. How to link to a step:

  1. Where the step is, search for the options icon and click on this.
  2. Click the three dots icon for this step

Select link to this step

Link to a specific step in outline

Every area you add to a mural is included in the outline. Click on the bulleted list to access your mural. You can also get a participant to go to a specific section by linking them to the step. Here’s how. How to link to a step:

  1. Where the step is, search for the options icon and click on this.
  2. Click the three dots icon for this step

Select link to this step

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Hey team. Augstin from MURAL here and today I want to tell you a bit about our outline. The outline is an amazing feature that allows the facilitator off a canvas to simply organized and arranged the content that they have inside of the mural for much easier and smoother navigation, not only for them but for every single user that accesses the mural. 

This is because the outline will always come up the moment that you access a new mural. You can see it right here on the right side of my screen. This column on the ride is the outline. As you can see, I have nine different steps added to it, so it also efficiently conveys the flow that you're supposed to follow. 

Once you enter the mural, you know that you're supposed to start on welcome than what is MURAL, How is MURAL organized and so on. It's super easy to use it for navigation as well, because when you click on one of those steps that has been added to the outline, you'll be taken directly to that spot in an instant, so you can instantly follow every single one of those steps If you want to hide the outline because you already know how to navigate around the canvas and you know the flow that you're supposed to follow, you can simply hit the exit key here on the top right corner of the canvas, and you'll be able to move on your own without any problems. 

If you want to see the outline again, then simply click on the outline icon on the top right corner of the screen to reveal it once more. This way, you know your way around the canvas and you know the flow that you're supposed to follow. I wanna tell you a bit about our hide feature. This allows you to hide and reveal steps that you previously added to the outline. 

All that you need to do is simply hover over that step on the outline and you'll see this eye icon pop up. You can click on that to hide the elements, and now nobody inside of the canvas will actually be able to see them. You can click on the I again to reveal it at any point so everyone can actually pay attention to it.

This comes in very handy If maybe you want to keep the attention in one specific part of the canvas, you can hide the rest of the elements on the other sections that you have in your mural to make sure that nobody is drifting off or changing focus from section to section. You can reveal those steps as you go along to better run your session. Or maybe you have a big surprise planned out for the end. 

You can hide that surprise so that it stays a surprise and reveal it when your session ends. That way, you can always end your sessions with a bang.