Engage students, make decisions, and receive feedback
You’ve run a brainstorming session with a class and realize there are too many possibilities and concepts to proceed. How do you quickly narrow down your ideas and ensure everyone can input what they want to move forward to the next exercise? Dot voting is a simple yet effective method to prioritize and bring collaborators together. As a facilitator in a mural, you can set up voting sessions to prioritize these concepts.
A common challenge in group voting scenarios is “Group Think.” This means that collaborators know or actually see what their other group members are advocating for and add their own votes to the same concept because “everyone else did.” Voting in a mural is anonymous, so collaborators won’t see or know who voted for what concepts in the mural.
Facilitators in the mural can start a voting session in a mural that includes the voting session topic, number of votes, and controls for who can end the voting session. Here’s how:
Select next and begin voting. This opens the voting sessions for your participants.
When the voting session starts, click the object where you want your vote to go. Spread votes across different objects or vote for the same object multiple times. MURAL shows you where your votes go by designating a number to the object. At the top of the mural, you will see how many votes you have remaining for the session.
To delete the vote from the object. Hold the shift key and click the object again. You will see the number of votes change in your total count.
Facilitators can see who is actively voting and who still has votes to cast during the session. In the top toolbar the facilitator will see how many collaborators are voting. Click the arrow next to the number of collaborators voting to get live updates of voters and their remaining votes.
When you’re ready to see the voting results, here’s how you end the voting session and share with your collaborators.
Review voting results from the session any time by clicking the voting button at the top of the mural. Then, select view results page.
Facilitators can see who is actively voting and who still has votes to cast during the session. In the top toolbar the facilitator will see how many collaborators are voting. Click the arrow next to the number of collaborators voting to get live updates of voters and their remaining votes.
When you’re ready to see the voting results, here’s how you end the voting session and share with your collaborators.
Review voting results from the session any time by clicking the voting button at the top of the mural. Then, select view results page.
Lindsay here. Now, I'm going to show you how to run a voting session. You might want to run a voting session similar to dot voting when you're in person to anonymously get everybody's feedback on a list of items.
Now to start a voting session, and you'll see we're going to do a voting session here on favorite activities. In the top left hand corner, there's a button for voting sessions right next to the timer. If I click on that, I can click start voting session. Now when I started voting session, I can name it so I'm gonna say favorite activity.
You could you get to decide how many votes each person gets. I'm gonna say three. And then you can also decide who and you can end the voting session. You can say any member of the mural, or only people that are facilitators in the mural. Click Next, and then click on begin voting.
Now to add a vote to an element, you click and you'll notice the one shows up here on dancing. To remove a vote, hold down Shift, and then click again. And you'll notice the one goes away. Now I have three votes. I'm going to click on dancing, running and knitting. You'll now see here in this voting bar, I have no votes left. I can also see that there are two people voting. If I click on the down arrow, I can see who else is voting because of who else is also in the mural canvas. I can see that the visiting cell has three votes left. And when the visiting snail votes again, that tick for the two votes, one vote zero votes left will count down.
At any point in time, you can end the voting session once the voting session is ended. you confirm that you want to end the voting session and session for everyone. You'll see the voting results page. This shows the total number of votes, see one vote, and also underneath each of the the elements that got to vote the number of unique voters.
So for instance, something could get multiple votes, but all come from one voter, like if I use all three of my votes on running. Now, if I exit out of the voting results screen, I can see I can still see the voting results here. If I click the little x, the voting results will disappear. However, you can always go back to voting results by clicking on voting session, and show results page or show the Volt's votes.
So show results page and it brings me back to the voting results page. Now, one thing to note is that voting is completely Anonymous. That's why it's very beneficial for your team to use. Say after you did an ideation, I prioritization and then a vote to understand what everybody would like to vote for but in a non in an anonymous fashion. Now you're you just learned how to run a voting session in MURAL.